Monday, December 8, 2014

The day we went 'Full Malaysian'

Last Sunday was awesome!

And so the Owsumers went out to watch AFF Suzuki Cup match between our country, Malaysia against the visitting team, Vietnam.

we had been planning to go and give our support since the past week. i cant remember the last time i went and watch football in a stadium. Against Liverpool would be the last time, i think.

anyway, Dollah Salleh went full 'Brendan Rodgers' by calling in so-so players. Hell! he even went even further BR when he plays Long Passes and Crossings (dummy runner and through balls from the centre/ wide position would be a better choice). 

Mahali was okay, but he cant keep the ball for two seconds under his feet and running here and there like a lunatic, No.16 Kunalan i think was fast.. but he lacks controls and 'gabra' in front of defenders and goalpost. Safiq should control his temper, man.  

Offensive needs hell of a support and chemistry! Defense was okay but needs to focus more when the opposing offensives breaking towards the line. 

i would recommend the players to watch their backs a lot and to play it cool with a lot of short passings and buildups. NEVER pass when the opponent is in between (keep running or lobe it to any open players). Remember, The faster you are the more mistakes you'll make, and; theres no victory in temper--only more miserable mistakes. pesanan ikhlas ni :)


well, to sum it up we went full Malaysian all for out beloved Malaysia and Harimau Malaya;

1. Planned for 8, but only four of us actually did get the tickets
2. Last minutes ticket hunting.
3. Woke up at 4pm on the matchday itself.
4. Had Nasi Kandar @Asiba, sec13 Shah Alam.
5. Bought last minute Jerseys.
6. Dozens of calls, "weh kau kat mana?". "aku on the way. jammed doww" but we're pretty sure our fella is nowhere near the highway/road.
8. Endless swearings. "kimaknye reff! Sial punya drama vietnam pundek!"
9. Makan and shisha and condemns
10. Makan somemore and actually praise our countrymen.

and yes, The 'Wajib Buat'.
standing up during our National Anthem, joined shouting for protest towards the hooligans actions when Vietnamese supporters tries to escape the ruckus towards the end.
And endless 30mins before+45+15+45+30mins more of chantings and singing with our Malaysian Ultras bros, Ultras Malaya! Awesome chants and Drumlines! Good Job, UM'07!

here's some pics:

The ever-romantic Shah Alam Stadium.
The Ramp we used to get into the Stadium.

Getting pass the security. Azrul got his lighter taken. 
Note to self: hide lighters and flares between ass cracks.

Post match Flares! yeah, dont believe anything you heard on tv. NO flares were fired off DURING the match.

and lastly,

 "Tanah Tumpahnya Darah Ku"

Selamanya Harimau Malaya! 

p/s. i humbly apologize on behalf off all Malaysian for the aggression caused by some mentally-challenged hooligans towards the Vietnamese Supporters. You guys deserved the victory. 
p/s/s: Next match belongs to us! hehehe

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

perks of being a law graduate.

"Bro, did i just got trolled?"

"nope, you just got lawyered"

#served #Fyeah #Swag #Yolo

*this is basically what i do every single day. hahaha

Monday, October 20, 2014

Show Your Colors Now!

"Mighty Reds"

The last few matches... well, since the beginning of the league has been quite a let down to most fans of the Liverpool FC. We lost our valuable Suarez, but gained a lot more extra muscles to choose from. That, and the Championship had added further unneedd headaches.

the match against QPR last couple of days ended with The Reds bagged the much needed 3points and rocketed the team upwards to the fifth position. but the gameplay itself left much questions, let alone answers.

in the next few days my all-time favorite team will be playing the championship with Real Madrid. Great. Just Great.

I am far from the other fans that you people would know. i never bash the players, constantly agree that all the newcomers will be needing time to adapt. But please, make Anfield sacred. show them the true red spirit that we all have been cheered for.

And please, no more single striker upfront. it's painful to see someone like Balotelli getting dissed or the high rated attempts by Sterling or Lallana be wasted for the sake of throw-ins or goalkicks. Coutinho, Henderson and Emre were just marvellous. a lot of actions going on but all that would need a sweet finish. and a solo player upfront wont stick.

My biggest hope is to see Gerrard score again, he almost did against QPR, and that's just it. C'mon! you're like the superhero of our childhood. if Xabi could do it for Bayern, what is it to you for Liverpool?  Defenders please, shape up! we believe in you. you're not defending a mere goalpost but the sanctity of Anfield! Go fierce, and take them out clean! on a side not Enrique was class! been missing him since last season and he was a solid tank!

Mignolet, no matter what they said, i still believe he's a stopper in the making. at times he looks so tensed, but most of the times he looks like he can handle a lot of pressure.

I'm looking forward for a good game not just against Madrid but further matches ahead. YNWA!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


tak kira lah. walau apapun yang terjadi, seharusnya keluarga datang dulu. tak wujud kita ini kalau bukan kerana Kun-Fa-ya-Kun tuhan yang satu. tapi tak terbentuk insan kalau bukan dari hasil diberanakkan keluarganya sendiri. aku orang yang percayakan akan pembentukan seorang individu lahir daripada gaya keluarga yang mencoraknya.

jika lurus keluarga, lurus lah dia. jika bengkok, sebegitulah juga. hanya keadaan yang terdesak yang membuktikan teori ini salah. apabila ahlinya bertindak melebihi daripada bulatannya yang lain lalu cuba membentuk jati dirinya yang tersendiri. itu cerita lain.

apa-apapun. keluarga pada aku merupakan kelompok mikro peradaban manusia, setingkat bawah daripada kelompokan yang lebih besar. Punya ketua, Pengurus, Pembajet, Pertahanan dan Perhubungan. Maka, setiap ahlinya tetap menjadi ahli biasa tetapi punya fungsi kepada bulatan yang dinamakan keluarga.

dan aku jenis yang percaya, apa-apapun keluarga datang dulu. pada aku, sekitar yang lain tidak penting jika keluarga aku sendiri tidak didatangi dahulu. jika adik berkata dia hendakkan sesuatu, dan aku yakin bahawa dia telah melayakkan dirinya untuk mendapatkan apa yang dihajati, dan aku termampu untuk memilikinya. aku letakkan kehendaknya melebihi aku diri sendiri. Pada ibu, jika dia katakan dia lapar, dan dalam kocekku punya RM20. Aku bagi terus semuanya sehingga kenyang kerana aku berbaki hutang dengan ibu yang susukan aku hingga kenyang dari aku terbit anak mata sehingga aku gagah berdiri, memanjat dan berlari.

sebab itu, aku tak pernah merasakan urusan duniaku yang penuh dengan lagha penting. melainkan aku benar-benar yakin bahawa semuanya telah aku tumpukan sepenuh sayang. baru aku minta izin untuk urusan hidupku pula. kawan-kawan boleh tunggu, bola boleh ulang tayang, kerja bukannya hidupku.

sebab keluarga kita yang sejak kita lahirkan hanya satu, selepas mereka tiada. tiadalah pengganti. aku benar melihat melalui selakan hidup aku sendiri betapa hilangnya satu keluarga tatkala habis nafas salah satu ahlinya. kita merasakan yang diam itu tidak berguna dalam keluarga, tetapi dia tetap pemenuh ruang, di agah sejak lahir, dicubit tika anak kecil montel, diajar hingga pandai. kehilangan tetap akan dirasai.

sebegitu juga kejayaan hendaklah dirai. kerana, seperti yang aku kata, setiap kejayaan ahlinya bererti sumbangan kepada tunjang keluarganya. secara tidak semena satu kehormatan timbul yang melonjakkan rasa syukur akan kebolehan keluarga ini untuk membentuk seorang insan yang mampu bersaing dengan kelompok-kelompok lain. jadi munasabahlah jika sedikit suka dan sayang diberikan sebagai tanda. bukannya kelonjakan teriak ingin mendambakan lagha kelompok yang tiada urusan makannya minumnya dengan kita. itu. lain kali tetap ada.

puas hati menulis.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

this is good.

since the last couple of weeks, i've withdrawn anything that relates me to the legal field. and to be honest i felt like A HUGE BURDEN HAS BEEN LIFTED OFF MY BACK.

i have always been proud with whatever i do. however, when people start giving me expectation. it's something i cant cope with. the tension is there and when other people kept on giving expectations and advises. things get pretty tensed up.

"jadi advisor ah. kau pandai bab2 advising ni"
"join conveyancing! sesuai dengan cara kau"
"kau serious kena buat litigation, sayang talent bro"
"alah, join kerajaan je, senang. gaji tetap pastu tiap tahun gaji naik+bonus"

stress tau stress?

hahaha so, aku dah penat sangat aku buang semuanya. kat fb orang tak perlu tahu aku belajar apa and kat mana. nanti bila ada member2 baru kenal tanya aku kerja apa, aku just nak cakap "kerja opis boy ja..hantar surat.. jumpa orang.. mintak sign gitu2lah".

simple, kan? rasa macam expectation tu kurang sikit. and to be honest juga, i'm starting to like this lifestyle. lay-low laid-back. orang tak perlu tahu kita buat apa. biar orang pandang kita kerek selekeh. tapi belakang2 dalam diam dah ready.

dengar brader cerita berdegar2 nak mansuhkan Akta Hasutan. bila kita tempel balik sampai brader tanya, "eleh, kau macam pandai sangat". yes. aku tak pandai mana. tapi ilmu yang ada ni aku gunakan betul-betul untuk perbetulkan persepsi. jangan sebab 2-3 kera habis satu hutan kau bakar. and yes, Akta Hasutan merupakan sebahagian komponen kecil dalam tajuk tesis aku masa belajar dulu. tak banyak tapi atleast tahulah basic2 mana yang patut.

anyway, minggu lepas hari jumaat aku amik suit baru, nice. for the next few days aku nak baik dari batuk selesema ni. and mula job hunting.

life's good :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

dark days.

my relationship failed.
Liverpool FC is losing and their recent games arent that good.
and im currently not being employed yet.

but i'm recovering from being sick, found my friends back, and will be graduating soon enough. so i got them going for me.. which is nice.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Another new start.

wow! it took a lot of courage to get rid of a blog. but it really needs a lot more to start a new one.
this will be my offical blog from now on and i certainly am excited to get started!

anyway, i still have not quite figure out what to do with this new blog.
a daily diary-ish? or tutorials? or another review blog? i surely am not gonna post any travelling stuff since i'm too lazy to walk out of my house. damn, this is hard.

nanti-nantilah fikir. hahaha
dah cukup! off.